
Age 38

Joined on 11/25/18

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Heather has a beehive of red hair, which she loves despite giving her stylist fits. She has a phobia of riding the elevator, but after a coworker complained about her sweatiness, she now rides the elevator every day. Heather is talkative and tries to start a conversation with Pamela, the blond woman in the elevator, but Pamela ignores her. Heather is always anxious and is afraid of her coworker Fiona. Fiona always reprimands her and makes her feel small, even though Fiona doesn't outrank her. Heather was late for work due to a kitchen fire, but Fiona didn't let her explain.

Fiona is a dark-haired woman who works in the same office as Heather and Pamela. She is bossy and likes to yell at others. Her boyfriend dumped her the night before the story begins, and she is taking her anger out on her coworkers. She thinks that she is the only one in the office who takes her work seriously, and she is often staying after work to double-check her coworkers' work for errors. Fiona is jealous of Pamela's perfection, which seems to come effortlessly to her, and she worries that Pamela will get the promotion that Fiona has been working hard for. Fiona has a large bust and thinks that it should be enough to open any door.

Pamela is a blond woman with short hair, long bangs, and a big nose. She is often the target of jokes about her nose, but she has learned to shrug it off. She has a cynical outlook on life and thinks that she has heard it all before. Pamela is often on her phone and seems uninterested in her surroundings, including Heather's attempts at conversation. She is good at her job, and her work is always done well, but Fiona still doesn't like her. Pamela has a dry sense of humor and makes a Twitter post about the difference between pessimists and cynics. She wants to reach out to Heather, but she never speaks to her on the elevator.


Heather, Fiona, and Pamela stood together in the middle of the park, trying their best to avoid any kind of attention from passersby. They had been transformed into a bizarre, three-headed curvy babe with six legs, and six breasts that jiggled uncontrollably with every step they took.

Heather, originally the tallest of the three, looked around frantically. "This is so embarrassing. I can't believe we have to go to work like this."

Fiona, once the shortest of the three, nodded her head in agreement. "I know, right? How are we supposed to get anything done when we look like this? No one is going to take us seriously professionally."

Pamela, the middle head, frowned. "I don't know, but we have to figure something out. We can't just stand here all day."

Heather nodded. "You're right. We have to at least try to get to work."

The three heads tried to coordinate their movements as they walked, but it was difficult with six legs and three separate points of view. Their six breasts bounced wildly with every step, drawing even more unwanted attention. They had tried to arrange their bras in various formats to contain them, but it ended up looking more like someone had tried to put on too many seatbelts than a proper ‘boulder holder’ that they wanted.

As they made their way down the street, Heather was the one to suddenly blurt out an idea. "What if we split up? Like, what if one of us tries to… I don’t know, take the bus while the other two try to stand still."

Fiona and Pamela looked at each other, considering the idea. "It's worth a shot," Fiona said, Pamela giving a nod.

“I mean, if worse comes to worse, it’ll be good for a laugh.”

All three in agreement, Heather set off towards the bus stop while Fiona and Pamela tried to hold their ground. The right side of their body started to stretch out comically, two of their breasts, funnily one above the other, went with Heather, as her two legs tried hard to stretch her away from the other two who felt their high heels Fiona had insisted on them wearing that morning start to slide. But it was no use. They couldn't keep their balance and stumbled around awkwardly, drawing even more attention as a crowd began to form.

“Heather, come on, we’re not pulling apart or anything.” Pamela called.

“We can come up with something smarter.” Fiona yelled after her blonde body partner.

“No, I can-.” And then a step on a pebble undid all of Heather’s progress. She slipped, then snapped back towards the other, smacking in between Pamela and Fiona, their odd body seeming to hold that for a moment, Heather having swapped to the center of their configuration. The trio blinked as the crowd laughed before with a feeling not unlike a rubber band being snapped, heather was yanked back to her usual spot, as was Pamela between Fiona and Heather.

Defeated, Pamela was the next to suggest a solution. "Hey, if the problem is how goofy we look conjoined together like this, what if we try to mash down into one normal body?"

Heather and Fiona looked at each other skeptically. "I don't know, Pam. Do we really want to share a headspace?"

Pamela shrugged. "Wouldn’t it be better than this?"

They closed their eyes and concentrated, trying to will themselves back into a single body. But after a few moments, they opened their eyes and looked down at themselves. They were still a three-headed monster, with their six breasts and six legs.

Fiona sighed. "I guess we're stuck like this."

Heather nodded. "At least we'll be able to cruise around together. We just have to figure out how to do our jobs like this."

Pamela smiled. "Yeah, and who knows? Maybe we'll start a new fashion trend."

Fiona felt a twinge with that. “You know what, no. Fuck it. We should be doing everything we could to separate.”

“Look, I’m not saying I love how we look.” Heather gestured to their big, curvy body, their six tits rubbing together as she tried to adjust one of their many, many cups to their bra. One of her other hands, on the top right of their body nearest her head, reached up to adjust her beehive of red hair. “I’m just saying we should stop trying to mess with it. Every time we’ve tried… It just left us, you know, awkward and kind of embarrassed.”

Fiona harumphed from her spot on the left end of their shared shoulders from Heather. “Well I think we shouldn’t just give up. Being soft and big and… and having to share a body with you two is doing NOTHING for my career, or my relationships.”

“I couldn’t care less one way or the other.” Pamela blew a puff of air at her long, blonde bangs and shrugged their shoulders, giggling as Heather and Fiona found themselves wobbling a bit at the sudden change. “Try to change or not, it’s all the same to me.”

“How can it be the same to you?” Heather and Fiona said together.

“I’m talking about getting us separated, at least when we’re not at work.” Fiona tried to appeal to Pamela as the tie-breaker between them.

“And I’m saying I’ve had enough change. I went from having a body to myself to having to share. For all I know messing around with it we could end up being a foursome with some random girl, or get all three of us totally mixed up and end up as conjoined identical triplets.” Heather hoped voicing her bigger fear would sway the blonde Pamela to her side.

Instead, Pamela just snorted again with her big nose. “Wouldn’t that be weird? Would I get a big blonde beehive, or would the two of you get my bangs?”

“Not the… not the important part of that, Pam.” Heather hesitantly tried to course correct the conversation.

“Ok, how about this.” Fiona pulled a smartphone out of their purse and waved it under Heather and Pamela’s noses, as best she could from the left side of their body with one of their three left hands. “Look, a flesh alteration kit. It’s cheap, and on Amazon.”

“Those things NEVER work.” Pamela rolled her eyes. “Tried to use a cheap one once to…” She trailed off as the other two focused on their middle head. “Nevermind, it didn’t work anyway.”

“Just let me try it.” Fiona insisted. “And however it turns out, win or lose, I won’t bring up trying to change our bodies again for a week.”

“A month.” Heather tried to negotiate back, but got a stern look from Fiona. “O-ok. A week.”

And the buy now button was clicked.

Which had brought them to today. The package from Amazon had arrived and the three women were eager to open the box. Whether it was eager to see what disaster would come of this, Pamela, just to hear an end to the arguing for a week, Heather, or to finally get into her own body, Fiona, was it’s own thing, but being in sync for at least this moment was a relief for the trio.

The package was a medium-sized cardboard box with the Amazon logo printed in bold letters. It was placed on the center of the living room table, which was surrounded by three comfortable armchairs. Heather, Fiona, and Pamela sat on the couch, their huge ass taking up two of the cushions all by itself, while the third cousin sat empty. Despite their form, the women tried their best to remain calm and composed as they stared at the shipping box.

Fiona ripped open the package and eagerly pulled out the flesh alteration kit, its flashing lights and buttons beckoning to her. “This is it, guys! This is going to be the solution to all our problems!”

“Are you sure about this?” Heather asked, wringing their shared hands nervously.

Pamela rolled their shared eyes. “What’s the worst that could happen? No matter what we do we seem to snap back to this body as a default anyway.”

Inside the shipping box was a second, smaller box. The packaging showed a pretty looking and conjoined blonde and brunette, each with huge grins, and an even huger double set of breasts, their four tits emphasized by a skimpy bikini, and looked positively ready to pop. They were holding up a device that looked somewhat like a handheld vacuum cleaner, wires leading from it to the cups of their bikini.

A tag line in bright red with yellow trim declaring ‘a bigger, better you in minutes!’ There was a smaller print warning in black, but the trio missed it as they leaned together to look at the box, their heads clunking together and making all three women see stars.

Rubbing her head where it had connected with Pamela, Fiona gave a growl and reached out, tearing the lid of the box open, the inside of the mass produced looking thing, the unshakable first impression of a hand held vacuum cleaner sticking as she reached out a tentative hand to pick it up, her fingers trembling slightly.

Once out of the box and held in hand, the other contents of the box revealed themselves, denoting of the special order that Fiona had ordered with specifics about what they’d want to change in their new form. One by one Fiona pulled them out and began pulling them on as Heather counted aloud, making them match the set of instructions she’d pulled out of the box as well. Together they found a few pairs of pantyhose and gloves, though happily enough to keep up with the trios six legs and matching number of arms, and wires with electrodes to stick to the area they wanted to change.

Heather read the instructions carefully, trying to read them aloud as Fiona fought her a bit, though mostly just in trying to get the gloves on the hand Heather was using to hold the instructions.

“It says here that we have to-.'' Heather was cut off as her right hand passed the note to her lower right hand of its own accord. “Fiona come on, I was reading that.”

“And I’m trying to get us ready to change!” Fiona snapped, trying to pull the glove over the fingers of the hand Heather had just been using. “It’s as simple as plug and play, ok?”

“You two are going to fuck this up so bad.” Pamela snorted, already using two of their left hands to try and set up their phone to record this whole thing. It was going to make a hell of a video across the different platforms she was on now for social media. “I can’t wait to see it.”

“You could help, you know!” Heather and Fiona both snapped, caught in more than a little chagrin at agreeing with each other.

“Oh no, I think you two are messing this up plenty all on your own.” Pamela cackled as Fiona pulled on the final glove with a snap, before reaching down to adjust one of their half dozen pantyhose and attaching wires as she went.

“I’m just saying we should finish reading the instructions.” Heather gave the paper a light shake, now once more in her gloved top right hand.

“And I’m saying that this thing is so dirt stupid, even you two couldn’t screw this-.” Fiona was cut off as she plugged the device in, and all three women were hit with a sudden surge of electricity. “FUCK! Ow, I wasn't expecting that.”

“Well you might have if we’d finished reading the instructions.” Heather sighed in a touch of relief all the same. “At least nothing else happened.

“You two are too much.” Pamela shrugged their shoulders again as Fiona messed with the controls. “You think this is it. I can’t wait for-.”

As Fiona pressed the buttons, the room filled with a bright light, and the girls started spasming and shaking. They cried out in surprise and fear, bouncing into the air with their arms and legs stretched out, making funny faces as they contorted and twisted.

“I don’t think this is working!” Heather yelled, as their body convulsed uncontrollably.

“Hang on, just a little bit longer!” Fiona shouted back, frantically pressing buttons.

As the machine hummed to life, the three girls felt an electric jolt run through their fused body. They spasmed and shook uncontrollably, their six legs kicking out wildly, and their six arms flailing about. They cried out in pain and surprise as they were suddenly lifted into the air, their body now stretched out and taut. 

Their faces contorted into bizarre expressions as they bounced up and down, completely out of control. The skin on their cheeks stretched and jiggled, their eyes bulging in terror. Heather's mouth stretched open in a silent scream, while Fiona's teeth chattered and Pamela's tongue flapped around wildly. The three heads screamed in unison, their voices blending into a single, discordant wail that echoed off the walls of the apartment.

As the strange device hummed and glowed, the three women felt their bodies starting to distort. Their skin rippled and twitched, and they looked as if they were turning into skeletons, or X-ray-like images. Their bones became visible through their skin, and their organs appeared to be shifting and rearranging inside them. They felt an intense pressure building in their chests, like a balloon about to burst, and their hearts were beating so fast they felt like they were about to explode.

The room was filled with a blinding light, and the three women screamed as they were enveloped in its glow. For a moment, everything went white, and they felt weightless, as if they were floating in the air. Then, with a loud explosion, the device exploded, sending a shower of sparks and smoke flying in all directions. The room was plunged into darkness, and the three women collapsed to the floor, panting and gasping for breath.

“Do you think it’s ove-.” Heather started to ask before the wires all lit up again and electricity shot through the conjoined trio, throwing them backward as the force of the blast sent them flying across the room before the wires finally snapped and broke the connection. They hit the wall hard, and for a moment, there was complete silence as the trio were briefly a flat image of themselves plastered to a wall before it slowly peeled off, then popped back to three dimensions leaving the trio standing and panting.

Slowly, they each opened their eyes, and as they looked at each other, they knew that something had gone terribly wrong. Their bodies had changed, but not in the way that they had hoped.

“This wasn’t what I was shooting for.” Fiona lifted one left hand. Then another. Another. And one more. Wait, that wasn’t…

“For the viewers at home, what had you been shooting for.” Heather breathed out, half expecting smoke to blow out through her mouth and big nose. “Not that it matters.”

“Uh, four legs total to make moving around easier, I guess?” Fiona felt a bit cross eyed. Something was really off on the count and she couldn’t quite place it. “Feeling a bit discombobulated to be honest.”

As the trio talked, the dust settled, they coughed and sputtered, waving their hands to help clear the air from the aftermath. The trio could tell that something had changed, that the kit had sort of worked, but not in the way Fiona had intended. They now had eight arms and eight legs, one set of four in front and another set of four behind them, all extra thick, wide, and trio were heavier by a few inches.

As they looked down at their new form, Heather spoke up, "What the hell have we done? This is not what we wanted!"

Fiona, from her spot on the left of their shoulders, replied in a panic, "I don't know, the kit must have malfunctioned or something. We need to figure out how to reverse this. Six arms and six legs was too much already!"

Pamela, in the middle head, tried to move their legs, but their new body was awkward and cumbersome, and the jiggle of their much plumper, thicker thighs was more than a little distracting for the plumped and multi-limbed, well more than they were, blonde. "I can't even figure out how to walk properly in this thing," she said with frustration.

Heather, in the head on the right end of their shoulders, tried to remain calm, "We need to focus and think about how we can fix this. Maybe there's a reverse switch on the kit or something."

“What kit?” Pamela snorted, waving at the wreckage that had once been an amazon next day delivery. The ruins were… numerous and still smoking.”

Fiona nodded in agreement to Heather, ignoring the blonde Pamela, "Let's find the control panel to the kit and see if we can undo this."

As they tried to navigate their eight-legged body towards the kit, they couldn't help but feel how silly their merged together body was. The added legs made movement difficult and their once simple conjoined body now felt like a complicated mess. They’d almost gotten used to their old body, but now felt like everything had gone up an extra notch on the difficulty setting with an extra set of limbs none of the trio had shared before, let alone how much thicker and softer their body had become. Despite becoming even wider, the trio felt like their heads were no less far apart.

Heather groaned in frustration, "I knew this was a bad idea."

Fiona chuckled nervously, "I thought I knew better than the instructions. I’m sorry Heather."

Pamela, always the optimist, said, "Well, think of all the cool pictures we can take for social media! Now we actually have an extra arm to hold the camera while we get our normal number of everything in the shot."

“We have two extra arms, not just one, ya bimbo.” Fiona rolled her eyes as the trio kept shuffling awkwardly around the room, trying to get used to their new body. They had a long road ahead of them.

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